Home Blog Shelves with light

Shelves with light

Kitchen Shelf Wall shelf with lighting Van Strackk 1280 x 660 pxl

Shelves with lighting

Shelf with lighting under

Shelf with light all around

Wall shelf with lighting under and around 1920 x 1080 pxl

Shelf with lighting under and around

Installing wall shelf with light

Wandplank met verlichting onder Beige RAL1001 Strackk 1280 x 660 pxl

Connection other light operating systems

Wall shelf with light by Strackk White Matt RAL9016 Bottom view 1280 x 660 pxl

Light specifications

Wandkapstok met licht Van Strackk vooraanzicht 1280 x 660 pxl

Additional options

Boekenplanken met verlichting onder Van Strackk 1280 x 660 pxl

Floating shelf heavy weight